Monday, October 17, 2005

I.  Business:
1.  Corporate Newsletter:  $60 - $100/hour
2.  Corporate Reports:  $80 - $100/hour
3.  White Papers:  $70 - $90/hour
4.  Online Publishing:  $70 - $100/hour
5.  Direct Response (direct mail):   $75 - $100/hour
6.  Marketing Communications:  $80 - $100/hour
7.  Biology Writing:  $70 - $100/hour
8.  Medical Writing:  $75/hour
9.  Pharmaceutical Writing:  $75/hour
10.  Copy Editing:
    a)  General (ie: for-profit companies not covered below): $50-55/hr
    b)  Business-to-Business writing:  $55 - $65/hour
    c)  Corporate:  $50 - $65/hour
    d)  Science:  $55 - $75/hour
11.  Proofreading:
    a)  General (for-profit companies not covered below): $40-50/hr
    b)  Corporate:  $45 - $60/hour
    c)  Science:  $35 - $50/hour
II.  Instructional:
1.  General:  $50 - $70/hour
III.  Technical and Electronic:
1.  Web Authoring and Design:  $65 - $100/hour
2.  Senior Technical Writer, Computer Software:  $70 - $85/hour
3.  Senior Technical Writer, Computer Hardware:  $70 - $85/hour
4.  Technical Writer, Computer Software:  $50 - $65/hour
5.  Technical Writer, Computer Hardware:  $50 - $65/hour
6.  Technical Copy Editing (hardware and software):  $45 - $55/hour

1.  Ghost Writing for a business firm: 
a)  No research required:  $10,000-$15,000/project;  $65/hour
b)  Research IS required:  $15,000/project;  $65/hour**
 ** Please note most respondents quoted a per hour rate, rather  
    than a per project rate, for ghost writing projects for firms 
    requiring research. 
2.  Ghost Writing for an Individual: a)  NO research required:

$5,000 - $15,000/project; or $65/hour
 b)  Research IS required:  $10,000 - $30,000/project;  $65/hour
3.  Copy Editing:  $40 - $55/hour;  $2 - $4 per page
4.  Proofreading:  $25 - $35/hour

1.  Large Circulation Magazine:  $2/word
2.  Medium Circulation Magazine:  $1 - $2/word
3.  Small Circulation Magazine:  .50 - $1.00/word
4.  Metropolitan News:
 a)  Daily:  .50 - .75/word
 b)  Weekly:  .20 - .35/word
5.  Small Circulation, Neighborhood News:  .15 - .50/word
6.  Online:  $1.00/word
7.  Trade Publications: 
 a)  Large:  $1.00/word
 b)  Small:  .50/word

8.  Copy Editing:
 a)  Large Circulation Publications (technical):
 i)  Large cities:  $65 - $85
 ii)  Elsewhere:  $30 - $45
 b)  Large Circulation Publications (non-technical):
 i)  Large cities:  $55 - $60/hour
 ii)  Elsewhere:  $30 - 45/hour
 c)  Small Circulation (technical):  $40 - $50
 d)  Small Circulation (non-technical):  $25 - $45
9.  Proofreading:
 a)  Large Circulation Publications (technical and non-technical):
 i)  Large cities:  $50/hour
 ii)  Elsewhere:  $25 - $35/hour
 b)  Small Circulation Publications (technical and non-technical):
 i)  Large and medium-sized cities:  $25 - $40/hour
 ii)  Small cities:  $10 - $20/hour
Other Assignments:
1.  Grant Writer:  
 a)  Large, non-profit:  $55 - $75/hour
 b)  Small, non-profit:  $45 - $50/hour
2.  Indexing:  $30 - $50/hour
3.  Researcher:  
 a)  Large city:  $50 - $100/hour
 b)  Small city:  $35 - $40/hour
 c)  PER DAY RATE:  $250 - $400
4.  Screen Writer:  
 a)  For a firm:
 i)  Per project rate:  $10,000 - $15,000/project
 ii) Per hour rate:  $35 - $85/hour
 b)  For an individual:  
 i)  Per project rate:  $7,500 and above/project
 ii)  Per hour rate:  $35 - $85/hour
5.  Desktop Publishing:
 a)  For a company:
 i)  In Silicon Valley, California:  $70 - $85/hour
 ii) Elsewhere in North America :  Average norm $40/hour
 b)  For an Individual:  $35 - $40/hour